E|C n.34 – Metodo e testualità. Costruzioni analitiche e modi di fare

A cura di: Francesco Mangiapane e di Carlo Andrea Tassinari – Anno di pubblicazione: 2022 – Casa editrice: Mimesis, Milano (ISSN: 1970-7452)

Testi di: Giuditta Bassano, Denis Bertrand, Giovanna Cosenza, Giorgia Costanzo, Jacques Geninasca, Alice Giannitrapani, Manar Hammad, Tarcisio Lancioni, Dario Mangano, Francesco Mangiapane, Gianfranco Marrone, Maria Pia Pozzato, Franciscu Sedda, Carlo Andrea Tassinari, Ilaria Ventura Bordenca.


Questo numero di E | C ha carattere sperimentale. I contributi raccolti nel volume raccolgono il testimone – approfondendone e rilanciandone le suggestioni ricevute – di un ciclo di seminari svoltosi a Palermo tra ottobre e dicembre 2021, intitolato “Seminari di analisi del testo”.

Il calendario degli incontri ha visto la partecipazione di Giuditta Bassano, Denis Bertrand, Alice Giannitrapani, Manar Hammad, Tarcisio Lancioni, Dario Mangano, Francesco Mangiapane, Gianfranco Marrone, Maria Pia Pozzato, Carlo Andrea Tassinari e Ilaria Ventura Bordenca.

Lo spirito degli interventi palermitani e di questo volume scommette sul metodo semiotico, riflettendo sulla pratica di lavoro del semiologo, l’analisi del testo, con la volontà di spiegarne strategie e tattiche di approccio, valorizzando ogni opportunità di applicazione del metodo in una situazione.

Images of Europe. The Union between Federation and Separation

A cura di: Francesco Mangiapane e di Tiziana Migliore – Anno di pubblicazione: 2021 – Casa editrice: Springer International, Berlin
Collana: Law and Visual Jurisprudence (ISSN: 2662-4532) – ISBN: 978-3-030-69239-1

Testi di: Maria Cristina Addis, Giuseppe Bettoni, Valeria Burgio, Simona Chiodo, Eric Gordy, Frank Jacob, Francesco Mangiapane, Tiziana Migliore, Federico Montanari, Claudio Paolucci, Paolo Peverini, Davide Puca, Monica Sassatelli, Franciscu Sedda, Lucio Spaziante.

This book deals with the fundamental semantics of images of Europe, which consist of valences, mirror beliefs and affectivities. This is why it relaunches the importance of the European discourse in its symbolic dimension. As such, it explores the many images of Europe, or rather the many images through which European discourse is actually constituted in daily life, in search of their enunciative responsibility in today’s world for determining the current “State of the Union”. 

The identity of the European continent is based on a millenary tension between universalism and particularism: images of Europe have in fact been alternately inspired, over the centuries, by a model of homogeneity – Roman and Carolingian imperial disposition – on the one hand, and by a model of fragmentation – a Europe of city-states, municipalities, regions and small fatherlands – on the other. In the European Union, a political and economic organism, this issue has recently been amplified to the point that it has reentered public debate, and political parties that are only recognizable for being Europeanists or anti-Europeanists are now ubiquitous. In this regard, one major bone of contention is how to portray the quintessential aspects of the European territory, which are either interpreted as “thresholds” to be overcome in the name of a model of United Europe – “integral totality” – or are instead regarded as insurmountable obstacles for a Europe that is irreparably and perhaps, according to anti-Europeanists, fortunately fragmented – “partitive totality”. Further, this is to be done without excluding the possibility of contradictory and complementary solutions to these binary visions. 

In this context the book analyzes various texts in order to obtain a more precise picture of the clash, reveal its semiotic forms, and by doing so, identify a way out of the crisis.